
15 08, 2020

Op-Ed: William Perry Pendley is unfit to manage my Indigenous homelands

2020-08-26T11:55:29-06:00August 15th, 2020|Op-eds|

Opinion article by Shaina Oliver, Diné. "The BLM director is in charge of 250 million acres of America’s public land, including land sacred to my people, the Diné. To qualify for this enormous responsibility, Pendley should support stewardship of these public lands and possess some basic cultural competencies. But he hasn’t done this, and he never will."

25 05, 2020

Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Think twice about your road trip

2020-07-13T11:34:56-06:00May 25th, 2020|COVID-19 Relevant News, Op-eds|

OPINION // OUTLOOK Opinion: Postpone vacations in already-vulnerable tribal communities to stop the spread of COVID-19 By The Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition: May 23, 2020 ... As Texas lifts restrictions, people have geared up to resume postponed travel plans and outdoor recreational activities after lifted stay-at-home orders and reopened businesses. Families and outdoor enthusiasts are

24 03, 2020

Now is not a good time to visit Bears Ears

2020-07-13T11:35:26-06:00March 24th, 2020|COVID-19 Relevant News, Op-eds|

The Salt Lake Tribune. "Not only can a flood of visitors increase negative impacts on a fragile landscape, but it also puts remote gateway communities at risk. A COVID-19 outbreak in this region could quickly overwhelm our health care system with potentially dangerous consequences."

21 12, 2019

Celebrating Bears Ears

2019-12-30T13:12:00-06:00December 21st, 2019|Op-eds|

Patagonia.  Ahead of the 3rd anniversary of the original establishment of the Bears Ears National Monument, Vice Chairman Clark Tenakhonva of the Hopi Tribe — and representative of the Coalition — comments on why Bears Ears needs protecting now more than ever.

25 07, 2019

Op-ed: Pushing the BLM out of Washington puts our public lands in peril

2019-07-25T10:20:44-06:00July 25th, 2019|Op-eds|

LA Times. "Last week, the Trump administration announced a plan to move the Bureau of Land Management’s top officials out of Washington and into regional western offices... BLM officials — stewards of lands belonging to the nation, not to states, counties or municipalities — are supposed to serve the interests of us all."

18 06, 2019

Op-ed: Feds’ proposed rules would erode tribal culture, history.

2019-06-18T16:41:51-06:00June 18th, 2019|Op-eds|

Capitol Weekly. "Tribes from across the nation raised their voices to decry this rule change and demand a formal government-to-government consultation." Piece by Sherry Treppa, chairperson for the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, a federally recognized Indian Nation located in Upper Lake, California.


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