The most profound aspect of Bears Ears is the Native presence that is interwoven into every cliff and corner. Wondrous though the natural formations are, these cultural elements combine with the land and contribute to its significance. This spirit is the beating heart of Bears Ears. The region is home to more than 100,000 sacred sites and is of paramount cultural and spiritual importance to multiple Indigenous communities today. Do your part and practice respectful visitation by following and sharing the tips below: 

Visit With Respect Tips

Before visiting the landscape, please visit the Bears Ears Partnership’s Visit With Respect page and be sure to visit the Bears Ears Education Center in Bluff, Utah. This center provides more detailed information on how to treat Bears Ears with respect and support its longevity.

We can all make a difference by the way we choose to behave and conduct ourselves when visiting Bears Ears. This region is a sacred space, and over the years the amount of looting and site destruction that has taken place continues to cause immeasurable harm to Native communities connected to it. There is a reason that these objects and sites were left behind. Today’s Tribal people continue to view the Bears Ears country as part of their ancestral homeland and currently use the area.

Thank you for being a good visitor and doing your part to protect Bears Ears. #VisitWithRespect #LeaveNoTrace #HonorTribes #StandWithBearsEars #YouAreOnNativeLand

Show your support on social media! Download our “visitor ally” graphic and share it with your community.